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Male Awareness Study Groups

Relationships, intimacy, sexuality and man's place in his life

At the moment there are active groups in a few different places in Israel. Every group works based on its own characteristics. The studies incorporate Beit Midrash style learning, a workshop and a journey within the group process itself.


The way we study

Every session is divided into three parts.

In the first part we learn together from a text as a group or in pairs. The texts are brought from the Gmara, Midrash, Zohar and from the story of the creation in The Book of Genesis. Added to these are experts from Rabbi Dov's book "The Temple of Life", as well as professional literature on the topic.

The second part is a group discussion of these materials or a writing exercise on the topics that have come up in the first part.

The third part is devoted to processing and transforming these realizations into our daily lives, through work with our body, going out into nature and other methods that come up within the group.


The group process

The innovation of Man's Steps is our study method. The space in which we learn is the group. The group decides where to take the material that has been learned, how much of themselves to bring and what are the limits. Moreover, the attention to the process that occurs within the group as we learn is an inherent living example of the implementation of the material raised. All these create together a deep and demanding process for a man who wants to be a part of a significant personal and group journey.

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